The Gambia becomes the 23th country listed on ReSAKSS eAtlas platform
At the 5th Malabo Montpellier Forum that took place in Banjul, the State of Gambia represented by Mr. Momo ...
Read the latest news, blogs and press releases about the Country eAtlas.
At the 5th Malabo Montpellier Forum that took place in Banjul, the State of Gambia represented by Mr. Momo ...
The eAtlas technical team finalized the development of i) a server for the online manipulation and preprocessing of data records, ii) an intuitive and rich web-based client application to support i ...
A ReSAKSS Country eAtlases workshop was held from 17-18 October 2017 in Dakar, Senegal. The workshop was an opportunity to introduce the new version of the ReSAKSS Country eAtlases and its associat ...
The ReSAKSS Country eAtlases (RCeA), the go-to interactive web-based geographic information system for policymakers, analysts, and other stakeholders in Africa has been given a brand-new look. The ...
The "high level workshop for the validation of the cooperation agreement of ECOAGRIS regional technical committee" took place at the Faidherbe Hotel from June 29th to the 30th ...
Ahead of the CAADP PP Meeting, on May 31, ReSAKSS hosted a side event on the: “Contribution of Climate-Smart Agriculture to Meeting Malabo Goals”. The event ...
From March 6 to 7, a national meeting was held at the Béatrice Hotel in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, to train local experts on the use of the ReSAKSS e-Atlas.
Severa ...
The ReSAKSS Country eAtlases (RCeA) technical team organized a training workshop in Tunis on the Tunisia ReSAKSS eAtlas from February 15th-17th, 2 ...
IFPRI, in partnership with AUC, is convening the 2016 ReSAKSS Annual Conference to promote review and dialogue on the CAADP implementation agenda among policymakers, de ...