The Gambia becomes the 23th country listed on ReSAKSS eAtlas platform
At the 5th Malabo Montpellier Forum that took place in Banjul, the State of Gambia represented by Mr. Momo ...
The ReSAKSS Country eAtlases (RCeA) technical team organized a training workshop in Tunis on the Tunisia ReSAKSS eAtlas from February 15th-17th, 2017.
The three day workshop was facilitated by the Tunisian “Accompanying Research for Agricultural Innovation”- (PARI) project team and the “Direction Générale Des Etudes et du Développement Agricole” (DGEDA), “Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Ressources Hydrauliques et de la Pêche” (MARHP).
The main objective of the workshop was to present the eAtlas and its associated tools as well as to validate the eAtlas data: crop production, yields, cultivated area, livestock, demography, health and nutrition.
The RCeA technical team trained five Tunisians economists and one GIS expert on the RCeA tools in order to maintain and update the country eAtlas
At the 5th Malabo Montpellier Forum that took place in Banjul, the State of Gambia represented by Mr. Momo ...
The eAtlas technical team finalized the development of i) a server for the online manipulation and preprocessing of data records, ii) an intuitive and rich web-based client application to support i ...
A ReSAKSS Country eAtlases workshop was held from 17-18 October 2017 in Dakar, Senegal. The workshop was an opportunity to introduce the new version of the ReSAKSS Country eAtlases and its associat ...