The Gambia becomes the 23th country listed on ReSAKSS eAtlas platform
At the 5th Malabo Montpellier Forum that took place in Banjul, the State of Gambia represented by Mr. Momo ...
Ahead of the CAADP PP Meeting, on May 31, ReSAKSS hosted a side event on the: “Contribution of Climate-Smart Agriculture to Meeting Malabo Goals”. The event took place at Speke Munyonyo Resort in Kampala Uganda.
Speakers at the ReSAKSS side-event included Professor Ayalneh Bogale, Adviser on Climate Change and Agriculture, at the Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture, AUC and Dr. Ousmane Badiane, Director for Africa at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). During the side-event current knowledge on the effects of climate change and evidence on the effectiveness of climate smart agriculture (CSA) strategies were presented and discussed with the audience. Climate Smart agriculture will be the feature topic of the ReSAKSS 2016 Annual Trends and Outlook Report (ATOR) that will be launched on October 2017 in Maputo during the ReSAKSS Annual Conference. Its preliminary results were also presented and discussed with the side event audience.
The opportunity was also taken to present ReSAKSS Knowledge Products for Monitoring CAADP Performance. This includes the new ReSAKSS web platform that was redesigned to support CAADP indicator tracking, progress review, and mutual accountability in Africa. As the main platform for monitoring CAADP implementation, ReSAKSS tracks progress on over 30 core CAADP indicators through its flagship Annual Trends and Outlook Report (ATOR) and interactive website .
The eAtlas website , an interactive web-based mapping tool analyzing disaggregated agricultural, socioeconomic, biophysical, and climate data across administrative regions, social strata, and agro-ecologies at national, regional and continental level was also one the ReSAKSS CAADP monitoring tools to be presented during the CAADP PP.
The discussions that followed helped frame increased awareness and improved understanding on the role of Climate Smart Agriculture in meeting Malabo goals and on the use of ReSAKSS knowledge products among policymakers, researchers, advocacy groups, farmers’ organizations, the private sector, development partners, and other key CAADP stakeholders attending the CAADP PP meeting.
At the 5th Malabo Montpellier Forum that took place in Banjul, the State of Gambia represented by Mr. Momo ...
The eAtlas technical team finalized the development of i) a server for the online manipulation and preprocessing of data records, ii) an intuitive and rich web-based client application to support i ...
A ReSAKSS Country eAtlases workshop was held from 17-18 October 2017 in Dakar, Senegal. The workshop was an opportunity to introduce the new version of the ReSAKSS Country eAtlases and its associat ...