The Gambia becomes the 23th country listed on ReSAKSS eAtlas platform
At the 5th Malabo Montpellier Forum that took place in Banjul, the State of Gambia represented by Mr. Momo ...
The ReSAKSS Country eAtlases (RCeA), the go-to interactive web-based geographic information system for policymakers, analysts, and other stakeholders in Africa has been given a brand-new look. The RCeA aim is to support evidence-based policy planning implementation, inclusive policy review in Africa by providing an online, highly interactive and dynamic data environment and essential data analysis tools.
To improve the presentation and use of the data available in the RCeA, a new eAtlas site has just been launched with a new design and a clear and rich presentation of qualitative and quantitative data from 23 countries.
Major Highlights:
The new interface of the site gives access to an easier, more pleasant and resolutely more modern use. The new site facilitates navigation and enhances the content and search for data about Cultures Biophysics, Demography, Economy and Health among many other indicators in Africa.
At the 5th Malabo Montpellier Forum that took place in Banjul, the State of Gambia represented by Mr. Momo ...
The eAtlas technical team finalized the development of i) a server for the online manipulation and preprocessing of data records, ii) an intuitive and rich web-based client application to support i ...
A ReSAKSS Country eAtlases workshop was held from 17-18 October 2017 in Dakar, Senegal. The workshop was an opportunity to introduce the new version of the ReSAKSS Country eAtlases and its associat ...